If you are a florist, then you are no stranger to the phone ringing off the hook, especially during holidays. You can let the calls go to voicemail but consider that a new client who receives excellent service now can become a client for the rest of the year as they remember that there is nothing like a beautiful floral arrangement to offer comfort or a bright bouquet to deliver cheer.
As a florist, you serve your customers through both the good and bad, so it’s important that you are accessible to them.
In a busy florist shop, there are deliveries to be made, flowers to be fetched from the back, and customers to be helped upfront. Amidst these responsibilities, there’s a good chance that phones could be neglected.
Missing a phone call can cost you valuable business. If you don’t pick up, callers might move on to a different florist. You need someone whose job is dedicated to answering the phone.
Instead of hiring an in-house employee to cover the phones, rely on a call answering service. AnswerHero’s virtual receptionists are always standing by to give your callers their full attention. Our goal is to answer every call in two rings or fewer.
Whether you run a small shop with limited staff or a large store that never slows down, our virtual assistants can help with:
Our 24/7/365 service means that whether your customers call during the day, at night, or on the weekend, we’ll answer with friendly, professional greetings. Our simple, upfront pricing means we never charge extra, even during your busy holiday season. Every day of the year, your customers are in good hands with AnswerHero.
You can always count on our 100% bilingual services.