Virtual Receptionists for Spa Owners

Spa owners provide wellness and relaxation services to their clients in a calming atmosphere.

  • Prospective clients call to inquire about costs, hours and services.
  • Current clients call to set up or reschedule appointments for spa services.
  • Occasionally, clients reach out after a service with urgent questions about side effects.

AnswerHero’s virtual receptionists will cover your spa’s phone lines, so you can give your full attention to the clients to whom you are providing care.

  • When clients call to book a service, we set appointments that work with your calendar.
  • We can call clients to reschedule or confirm appointments.
  • Our virtual receptionists can answer questions about the services you provide, which helps you capture new leads.
  • When urgent calls come in, we can route them to you or answer the queries according to your instructions.
  • We collect RSVPs for your special events.

You may be the sole service provider at your spa, or you may have multiple technicians operating out of your location. Either way, everyone will breathe easier when AnswerHero handles your calls so you can focus on client care.

Choosing the Right Answering Service

With access to your calendar, our virtual receptionists can fill your calendar for you, even while you’re working with other clients. You’ll never miss booking an appointment because you were too busy giving a massage.

Other services take messages, but that leaves you with a list of calls to return. You have to squeeze those calls in between appointments or at the end of the day.

AnswerHero sets your appointments for you as soon as a client calls to book. Your calendar will stay full without you having to spend valuable time on the phone. We can even provide reminder calls to clients before their appointments.

AnswerHero Can Help

When clients are at your spa, they want to relax completely and you want to be completely focused on providing the best spa service that you can. AnswerHero can help whether you are answering your own calls or you have a dedicated receptionist. When your receptionist is overwhelmed with calls or out of the office, you no longer need to worry that you will miss calls.

AnswerHero covers your phones, so you can focus on your clients.