How It Works

Here at AnswerHero our goal is to make your life easier and help you grow your business by answering your calls.

The process is quite simple. Check out our walk-through below!

Team Member

Step 1

Forward Your Number

Forward your existing number to us and all of your calls will be forwarded to our team of agents.

Step 1

Step 2

We Take Your Calls

As soon as a call comes in, our agents promptly answer on your behalf, based on the custom instructions you provide

Step 2

Step 3

Receive Your Messages

A full record of the callers information and action made is sent to you by email, text, fax and/or secure message.

Step 3

After the Call

A full record of the callers information and the action made is sent to you
by email, text, fax, and/or secure message.

Every Call. Every Time.


contracts and
no hidden fees


We answer your calls
all year around


All our agents
are fully bilingual