It may seem trivial, but the way you handle transferring phone calls says a lot about your business. Even if you use a call transferring service, it is important to consider how you are interacting with your customers. Transferring calls smoothly is a mark of professionalism and respect, but it also helps avoid costly communication errors. Make sure you are leaving the right impression by mastering every aspect of transferring calls.
Few things will make a caller angry more quickly than feeling as though they are simply being passed around. If you are transferring calls to another phone, start by politely explaining why it is necessary. Tell the caller where you will be transferring them and how the transfer will help them get what they need. Most importantly, ask for their permission and wait until you receive it.
When transferring calls to another phone, it is your responsibility to ensure both parties are on the same page. Callers who need to explain themselves repeatedly after being transferred often feel they aren’t being heard, which is a major source of frustration. As such, you will need to listen intently to the caller, gather relevant information, and clearly communicate it to the person accepting the transfer. At a minimum, you should be able to provide:
Once everyone is on the same page, it is time to complete the connection. Transferring calls to another phone can be awkward, but the right approach ensures a smooth transition. Start by announcing the transfer before introducing the caller to the person with whom they will be speaking. Introduce both parties by name and reassure the caller that the person taking the transfer will be able to address their needs quickly and completely. If you find it hard to transfer calls smoothly, you may want to use a call transferring service.
After making the proper introductions, the final step in transferring calls is to seamlessly and professionally disengage. Thank the caller for their patience and ask them if there is anything more you can do to help. Remaining courteous and empathetic helps set the stage for the rest of the interaction and makes things easier for the person to whom you are transferring phone calls. Showing empathy is essential to success, both during phone interactions and in business more generally.
Considering how important it is to transfer calls, why leave anything to chance? Hiring a transferring service is a surefire way to get consistently professional results with every call. These services employ trained professionals who understand the importance of proper business telephone etiquette. No matter the call, you can be confident every transfer will be communicated properly and reflect positively on your company.
Are you worried that your call transfers might be sending the wrong message? Does your company’s telephone etiquette leave something to be desired? Call AnswerHero today to see how our professional representatives can help you revolutionize the way you communicate with your customers.