Based on a recent study by the ABA Law Practice Division’s Social Media, Legal Blogs, and Websites Committee, 91% of callers who tried reaching out to law firms failed to speak to an attorney while 32% of calls went straight directly to voicemail. This only shows that there is a huge gap between the legal services industry and its callers – one that AnswerHero’s legal answering service can help you bridge.
When it comes to providing legal services, first impressions matter. From the moment you answer the phone, potential clients are already judging you and your practice. If you fail to impress them, they’ll be quick to move on and hire someone else. A good first impression can set your firm up for success, but a bad one can compromise your reputation and ultimately hurt your bottom line.
AnswerHero’s phone answering service for lawyers is designed with all the tools and features you need to provide your callers with exceptional customer service.
With AnswerHero, you can ensure that every call will be answered by a real person – not an automated phone answering software or voicemail system. Our concierge-style support team is equipped to handle any type of call for your firm, helping to build trust and rapport with potential clients from start to finish. Our law firm virtual receptionist team is also trained to deal with difficult and stressful situations, so you can rest assured that all of your phone calls will be handled with the utmost care and professionalism.
If you want to get ahead of the competition, you need to be available and responsive around the clock. This means going above and beyond what other firms offer in terms of availability and support. With AnswerHero’s 24/7/365 law firm answering service, you can ensure that all your client calls will be answered quickly, efficiently, and professionally – no matter what time of day or night it is. Never miss a call with 24/7 live receptionists from AnswerHero and continue capturing leads even while you are sleeping.
One of the biggest challenges facing law firms today is the need to meet changing client demands and expectations. AnswerHero offers a customizable legal virtual receptionist service that can easily be integrated into your existing business tools, software, and operations. With the ability to set custom greetings and scripts, you can ensure each caller is treated in a way that aligns with your firm’s unique brand identity. Our law firm answering service plans are also scalable, which means you have the freedom to use our service for as much or as little as you want.
AnswerHero’s bilingual legal answering service comes at no extra cost, giving you a competitive advantage in attracting potential clients from the Spanish-speaking community. With more than 13% of the U.S. population speaking Spanish at home, you can’t afford to miss out on this growing market. With our bilingual phone answering service, you can quickly and easily connect with Spanish-speaking callers and cater to their needs without any language barriers or communication problems.
If you are looking for a reputable and reliable law firm answering service to help you build trust and credibility with both your existing and potential clients, look no further than AnswerHero. We are committed to providing law firms of all sizes with first-class service and support at some of the best rates in the industry.
But, don’t just take our word for it. With a proven track record of success and hundreds of satisfied customers – we have earned a reputation as the go-to legal answering service in the United States. Here’s Nadeen Al-Jijakli Abbass talking about the difference AnswerHero has made for their firm:
“We have been using AnswerHero for our small law firm for more than 2 years now and (we are) extremely happy with their service. My clients consistently note the pleasant reception they receive when calling our office and our messages are carefully and promptly transcribed. We recently had some technical issues with call forwarding after switching to a new phone service provider, and AnswerHero’s team worked closely with us and continued to troubleshoot until we found the cause and resolved the issue. I was really impressed with how responsive, professional, and persistent they were in finding a solution. (I) highly recommend their service.”
Contact AnswerHero today and discover why so many law offices have turned to us for their phone answering needs. With a proven track record of success and our focus on client satisfaction – you can rest assured that your law practice is in good hands with AnswerHero. Let us help you build trust and credibility with your existing and potential clients. Sign up for AnswerHero’s law firm answering service today and start benefiting from first-class customer support and legal answering service.