
Tips for delivering the best Customer Service

Tips for Delivering the Best Customer Service on the Phone

Why is Great Customer Service Important? Customer service professionals know too well that the customer is always right—even when they’re wrong. In today’s business world, the customer’s experience should always be the number one priority, no matter what industry you’re in. Customer loyalty comes as a direct result of feeling valued and appreciated, so it’s…
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Office emotion

How to Turn a Customer Complaint Into a Compliment

Many business owners look at customer complaints as dismal happenings. A new manager may take the complaints as personal attacks. That outlook only hurts the business because it can foster negative reactions. The best way to deal with unhappy customers is to find a formula to turn them into happy customers. The following are some…
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Hand holding red telephone receiver

Why an Answering Service is the Best Choice for Small Businesses

An answering service makes it easy for your customers to contact your business. Investing in answering services as a small business allows you to concentrate on all other aspects of the business. It’s a great way to capture new clients and stay on top of your competitors as well as ensure that no potential customer…
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Customize Answering Service Options For Your Business

Call centers can customize all of the answering services needed for your business. Based out of the U.S., English-speaking agents are trained to specifically respond to what your company considers necessary. Below are some examples of services a business can elect to implement. Medical/Dental Practices, Hospitals, Veterinarians, Government Agencies, Clinics, Law Offices, Banks and Schools…
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Stethoskop und calendar

How to Organize a Small Medical Office

Time constraints force office managers to juggle an enormous number of duties. A proper medical office setup will lead to a more streamlined and successful practice down the road. Without a scheduled strategy to organize and prioritize your office tasks, it’s easy to forget about important meetings and assignments. With the right strategies and tools, your practice can…
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Complaint written on multiple blue road sign

How Poor Customer Service Can Impact Businesses

Poor customer service negatively impacts businesses in a number of ways.  Small businesses are at greater risk when customers are treated badly since they often rely on regular clients and customer referral advertising to survive.  Not only do these businesses risk alienating current clients when they are treated poorly — the office can also gain…
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